Nouveau Stade de Bordeaux
Herzog & de Meuron- Type Sport Stadium
- Material Concrete Metal
- Date 2010 - 2015
- City Bordeaux
- Country France
- Photographer Iwan Baan Francis Vigouroux

As in a classical temple, a curtain of columns on a plinth rises on the plain of Bordeaux. But unlike ancient temples, this stadium turns its podium into a very emphatic stairway, and the result is a blurring of the lines between interior and exterior, and the entire building looks lightweight.
Although the image that triggers the project – a forest of columns – is metaphorical, the building is a rigorous functional exercise that is to accommodate 42,000 spectators under the best possible visibilility conditions. With this as the objective, between the playing field at ground level and the level of the exterior entrance is a wedge-shaped volume that contains the entire program, from mechanical installations to the VIP room. The geometry of this wedged construction is determined, on the outside, by the section of the stairs, while on the inside it adapts to the slope of the grandstand. This arrangement breaks with the traditional scheme of stadiums: instead of circulating through flights of stairs or ramps, the crowds climb some exterior steps until they are halfway up the grandstand. Since from this point one has a panoptical view of the stadium, it is impossible to get to the lower or higher tiers, which are at the same distance, without experiencing orientation difficulties.

Obra Work
Estadio Matmut Atlantique, Burdeos (Francia) Matmut Atlantique Stadium, Bordeaux (France).
Arquitectos Architects
Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Stefan Marbach (socio a cargo partner in charge).
Equipo local Executive architect
Groupe 6.
Electricidad Electrical engineering
Egis Bâtiments Sud-Ouest.
Instalaciones Installations
Egis Bâtiments du Sud-Ouest.
Paisajismo Landscape design
Michel Desvigne Paysagiste.
Estructura Structural Engineering
Cabinet Jaillet-Rouby; France Structures Île de France.
Ingeniería civil Civil engineering
Aparejador Quantity surveyor
Mazet & Associés.
Fotos Photos
Iwan Baan; Francis Vigouroux.