Text by TDA (Miguel Duarte and Larissa Rojas)
In these times when information overload and speed affect our capacity to pay attention, we uphold non-protagonist architecture. we call for silence. We understand constructive clarity as something grounded in the discipline. This is the path traveled by our practice from its inception to this day. To learn modes and idioms, practice using them, understand when exactly to use an adjective, be able to recognize a verb, exercise accuracy, maintain a pause… listen. Beyond results, we stress the idea of the path as a discipline in and of itself.
We set a single, optimistic conversation about improving human habitation on the planet through a reasonable use of resources and a constant exercise of learning together, as partners in society. We are not interested in the individual alone. What we want is to apprehend; when we study, we learn, but when we interact with all that's around us, we apprehend.
We can then transform matter into matter, imaginary into concrete, and proceed with rigorous analysis to the decision that conveys an idea with maximum clarity, be it a stone, a word, or a livable space. The conversation thus intensifies and the relationship between sender and receiver is refined, becoming more accurate, precise, and humane.
We understand matter to be the true essence of architectural thinking. We give it the role of the word, and with it, we say things... That we love the shade and the landscape, that we tirelessly repeat the experience to enjoy the space among many, that we use knowledge to overcome gravity and fears, that we acknowledge our limitations and therefore seek help, that we do all we can to protect each other and share, and above all that we think freely and imagine unique places for better living.
And one more thought in the general conversation: this small house is a pause in the constant din of the city. Absent, unnoticed, it is made of emptiness, gardens, air, light, and the occasional brick.