Ramón Esteve Estudio has won the competition to design the Ciudad Real Biosanitary Campus for the University of Castile-La Mancha. The site of this facility for medicine and biomedical research is strategically located in proximity to the Hospital Ge
Built in 1930 by the Valencian architect Cayetano Borso di Carminati, the old hydraulic pump factory of Carlos Gens, on Avenida de Burjassot, is one of the few standing examples of industrial architecture from the period. The complex was closed perma
The Valencia practice of Ramón Esteve built this dwelling intended as a second home amid pine groves and vineyards outside Fontanares, a rural municipality in the Albaida Valley county. To blend into the landscape, the building with its pitched roof
A orillas del Turia, en una parcela contigua a la Ciudad de las Artes y las Ciencias de Valencia, se sitúa el Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe (CIPF), un nuevo espacio dedicado a la investigación biomédica dotado con las instalaciones más punt