The Fishing Hut, Hampshire (United Kingdom)
Níall McLaughlin Architects 

The Fishing Hut, Hampshire (United Kingdom)

Níall McLaughlin Architects 

By the side of a picturesque lake in the Hampshire countryside, and bordered on the south by a small stream of pristine water and swift currents, the site of this small shelter is one of the best spots for fly fishing in the British Isles. To ensure full enjoyment of this exceptional natural enclave, the project envisioned a place for anglers to meet in, but which would also provide a place for storing boats and fishing tackle. Besides this double purpose, it was taken into account that there would be periods of intermittent activity. This mainly meant the trout season, which runs from late April to the month of September. During this time, the arrangement of shutters was to be as open as possible when in use, maximizing views of the rural landscape. The rest of the year, the small facility would have to be closed up and ready to resist the elements and keep all its contents safe. In addition, to ease the moving of boats in and out of the water, a covered mooring was required, protruding from the building. The exposed timber structure rises over the water with steel supports, which hold up the main volume made of native oak, untreated so that it weathers to match the silver-gray coloring of the aluminum roof...

Privado Private

Níall McLaughlin Architects

Price and Myers

InstalacionesMechanical engineering
Max Fordham

Inwood Developments

SuperficieFloor area
66 m²

Nick Kane