San Riemo Apartment Complex, Munich (Germany)
Summacumfemmer  Büro Juliane Greb 

San Riemo Apartment Complex, Munich (Germany)

Summacumfemmer  Büro Juliane Greb 

A gridded structure offers the members of a cooperative the opportunity to have dwellings that are easy to adapt to changing needs, with spaces that can even be shared among neighbors.

Around a kitchen that functions as a distributor, fourteen-square-meter modules giving onto greenhouse-terraces can be grouped in numerous combinations, from the most conventional to the most communal...[+]

Apartamentos San Riemo, Múnich
San Riemo Apartment Complex, Munich (Germany)

Kooperative Grossstadt

Summacumfemmer+Büro Juliane Greb / Anne Femmer, Juliane Greb, Petter Krag, Florian Summa (equipoteam)

Lieb Obermüller+Partner (estructurastructure); Energieagentur (ingeniería mecánicaMEP services); HSB Ingenieure (protección frente a incendiosfire protection); Müller-BBM (física del edificiobuilding physics); BL9 Landschaftsarchitekten (paisajismolandscape); SRW Plan (dirección de obrasite management); Stattbau München (transportetransportation); Ingenieurbüro Baur (seguridadsecurity)

4,250 m²

Petter Krag; Florian Summa