Concert Hall in Munich, Staab Architekten

Concert Hall in Munich, Staab Architekten


A structure with an industrial-like image emphasizes the longitudinal axis of the project. The accesses are large column-free spaces placed at the ends, occupying the entire width of the building and extending the outdoor public space... [+]

Autor Author

Staab architekten

Arquitectos Architects

Volker Staab

Equipo Team 

Petra Wäldle, Simon Banakar, Franziska Ebeler, Jamie Queisser, Georg Hana, Tom Zumdick, Julia Zillich  

Consultorías Consultants

B + G Ingenieure Bollinger und Grohmann, Prof. Gengnagel, Dr. Ing. Holger Alpermann (estructura structure); Gruner, Patrick Sonntag (protección contra incendios fire protection); Müller-BBM, Thomas Goldammer (acústica acoustics); WBP Winkels Behrens Pospich, Prof. Andreas Winkels (energía energy)