In 2019, the Slovenian firm Dimnikcobau called an international design competition for the DCB Montana business center in the industrial zone of Moste, in Ljubljana. The Barcelona studio BAX won it with a project that involved three buildings, an exi
An international competition held in 2008 was won by the Barcelona firms Mendoza Partida and BAX, thanks to a scheme that transformed a building of great historical value into a cultural facility while reactivating the banks of the river Ljubljanica
In the 1960s, the architect Savin Sever designed a building to house the printing house of the publisher Mladinska knjiga. Located in the Slovenian capital, the modular, repetitive construction is characterized by a visible concrete structure. The ol
The coachmen of Maribor were much relieved when in 1913 the Austrians inaugurated what is known as the Old Bridge over the Drava, which replaced the timber structure that had been a serious bottleneck…
The Slovenian architecture firm Medprostor – founded by Jerneja Fischer Knap, Rok Žnidaršič, and Samo Mlakar – carried out this intervention that included a movable, foldable roof to preserve the remains of the Romanesque church of the Carthusian mon
Outside Bohinjska Bistrica, the largest settlement in the Bohinj Valley, stands this school promoted by the local community to orient education towards a closer connection with nature. The fruit of a collaboration between the Slovenian firm ARREA and
The Ljublana-based firm Enota’s project for Hotel Natural in Rogla, in northeast Slovenia, includes new communal multipurpose spaces and a swimming pool. The facade extends to form a gabled roof. Over time, the stacked wooden elements will age and bl
Buildings can have many lives: someone builds them with a purpose, but time eventually imposes others, even though the forms stubbornly tend to persist. This is the case of an old construction in Ljubljana, which was a sugar refinery before a devasta
Besides a new place of worship, an ensemble of buildings provides a Sunni community with spaces for leisure and gathering, and seeks to trigger an entire regeneration of the zone. The language used avoids historicism and reinterprets traditional icon
The surrounding landscape and the specifications of the artworks shaped the design of the museum on a sloping site. The sawtooth roof clad in dark tiles is contrasted by the bush-hammered finish of the concrete that unifies the articulated volumes...
Based in Barcelona and headed by Boris Bežan and Mónica Juvera, bax studio has won the invited competition for the Dimnikcobau office complex in the industrial zone of Moste, in the east-central part of the Slovenian capital. Covering 12,439 square m
The project tackles the renovation of the historic Drama Theater, built in the early 20th century, and the replacement of the technical extension – built in the 1960s – with a production volume. The set is complemented with an outdoor public space. T
The basic forms – a circle for the chapels and a rectangle for the exterior funerary rituals –, the traditional architectural elements – pedestal, beams, and pitched roof –, and the classical principles – symmetry and stacking – are the basis of this
The new National Library and University of Ljubljana (NUK2), a result of the competition for the enlargement of that built in the 1930s by Jože Plečnik, will rise over the remains of the ancient Roman city of Emona. By respecting the site’s original
En este conjunto de 130 viviendas sociales el espacio público ocupado por la huella del edificio se recupera gracias a una serie de recintos comunes ubicados en el interior.
The project connects the city and the lake with a large concourse of sports facilities that house the three programs: sports hall, football field and running track, all linked by a connecting platform…
In a similar way, the project for the multipurpose complex located in Vilharjeva is characterized by the use of a unitary enclosure that wraps the different volumes, which accommodate apartments, offices and retail areas...
The Slovenian architect Matija Bevk and the Serbian Vasa J. Perovic established their studio in Ljubljana in 1997, where they have built the extension of the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, work for which they obtained a special mention as emergi
Al este del centro histórico de la capital eslovena, a unos quince minutos a pie a lo largo del río Ljubljanica, se encuentra una zona de crecimiento urbano que concentra un amplio conjunto de equipamientos educativos. Entre ellos, la nueva residenci
With its own garden, underground parking with 110 spaces, a striking facade with balconies and French windows, and penthouses with terraces in the attic, House Zvezda is an innovative project amid the residential structures that prevail in the urban
The project was designated winner in a competition for the construction of two blocks of low-cost apartments – never more than 600 euros per square meter – for young families. Located on a hill with views onto Izola bay on one side and the mountainou
Located right on the boundary of the city, the complex of six blocks faces on one side the open field, the urban fabric on another side and the busy railway track on the third side. The existing scheme – a series of buildings placed symetrically on a
Desde que en 1614 se construyera el palacio de Auersperg en el casco histórico de Ljubljana, el edificio renacentista ha acogido múltiples usos que han ido modificando su configuración hasta llegar a un esquema caótico de espacios laberínticos y desc
The Barcelona practice headed by Boris Bežan and Mónica Juvera, Bax studio, won the invitational competition that was organized for the creation of the Dimnikcobau office complex in the industrial zone of Moste, located in the east-central part of th
Fruto de la colaboración entre cuatro estudios de Ljubljana —Bevk Perovic, OFIS, Sadar Vuga y Dekleva Gregoric—, el nuevo Centro Cultural de Tecnologías Espaciales Europeas (KSEVT) en la localidad eslovena de Vitnaje está formado por una serie de ani
Los madrileños Francisco Burgos yGinés Garrido están de buena racha; a los proyectos ganados en Toledo y Camberra (véase Arquitectura Viva 127 y AV Proyectos 35) se une otro en Maribor, Eslovenia: una pasarela peatonal y ciclista sobre el Drava, sit
With the shadow of Joze Plecnik cast out over every corner of its capital, Slovenia is with its recent separation from the Yugoslav Republic living a moment as culturally promising as that which took place when a 1920 plebiscite declared national ind