Islamic Cultural Center, Ljubljana
Bevk Perović arhitekti 

Islamic Cultural Center, Ljubljana

Bevk Perović arhitekti 

Besides a new place of worship, an ensemble of buildings provides a Sunni community with spaces for leisure and gathering, and seeks to trigger an entire regeneration of the zone.

The language used avoids historicism and reinterprets traditional iconography: the facade’s structural mesh evokes the usual lattices and a textile dome presides over the prayer hall without being the focus of the project.

Obra Work
Centro cultural islámico, Liubliana (Eslovenia) Islamic Cultural Center, Ljubljana (Slovenia)

Cliente Client
Muslimanska skupnost v Republiki Sloveniji; Mesto Ljubljana

Arquitectos Architects
Bevk Perović arhitekti / Matija Bevk, Vasa J. Perović (socios partners); Christophe Riss, Ida Sedušak, Tina Marn, Andrej Ukmar, Irene Salord, Rok Gerbec, Blaz Goričan, Urban Petranovič, Davorin Počivašek, Maša Kovač (equipo team)

Contratista Contractor
Gorenje Projekt

Superficie Area
14.080 m²

Fotos Photos
David Schreyer