The government Building is located at the Teatinos campus, west of the city of Málaga. It hosts the presidency of the University among several other services, which were scattered through the city until now. The project also includes an additional 80
Alrededor del concéntrico y bien conservado casco histórico de Vitoria —una de las ciudades con más alto nivel de vida del país— han surgido urbanizaciones de lujo que aprovechan la ventaja del emplazamiento en pleno campo a muy corta distancia de la
Aktur Lakua– a macrosector on the periphery of Vitoria which was conceived at the end of the seventies – is the yet undefined area chosen to build 168 social houses. Its streets are barely supplied with the basic urban installations and the facilitie
The road hotel inexorably falls under the emergency sort of architecture that all national highways provide on the way, halfway between local color and the Venturian experiment, but the new motel in Irún’s Integrated Transport Center resists this ste
The intervention rehabilitates the old palace of Montehermoso for use as a cultural center, recuperates an adjacent old water tank, connects this subterraneously to the rest of the premises, and renovates an adjoining garden. The building dates back
En la llanada alavesa, los edificios aislados que componen los antiguos núcleos rurales recuerdan grandes almacenes y albergan los más diversos usos: vivienda, granero y establo, entre otros. Se trata, en general, de construcciones de volumetría senc