The building’s interior and exterior facades are completed with brick and oakwood frames holding a total of 2,264 fingerprints of Deventer citizens, reproduced with aluminum in collaboration with the local artist Loes ten Anscher... [+]
El Instituto Neerlandés de Imagen y Sonido custodia todo el material audiovisual producido en los Países Bajos desde los primeros días de la radio y la televisión holandesa. El programa del edificio se divide en cinco secciones: archivo, museo, ofici
In the city of Huizen, near Amsterdam, a residential area ends in a platform facing Lake Gooimeer. Resting on a fringe of reed, five new buildings stand perpendicular to the coastal promenade, rising with a sphinx-like profile over the water. This is
Up until the seventies, the Arenberg Institute housed the Department of Chemistry of the University of Leuven. After years of gradual deterioration, at the end of the nineties the complex was leased by the University to the Stuk Arts Center, which wa
Lee Simon, the character Kenneth Branagh plays in Celebrity, wants to be successful. One day he realizes that his life has been reduced to the unbearable domestic dimensions of a ‘teaspoon’. He decides to become famous, but to do so, he needs to dist
Behind the glass skin of the ABN-AMRO bank in Amsterdam is a vertical city; a system of interchangeable empty spaces corresponding with the public zones which are distributed among the work areas. The residential towers projected for The Hague and Ro
The facade is composed of a plinth of black bricks with holes in them and a main body of glass panels printed with a text by K. Schippers. Looking through the glass panels one appreciates the reflective insulation. The V shape of the roof allows cert
Situated in the northeast part of the campus ‘de Uithof’, the building unifies the activities of three science faculties: class rooms, laboratories, department offices and a restaurant, around a large central vestibule. The longitudinal shape of the
Modernity appropriated Loos’s ‘Ornament is crime.’ Then Venturi proclaimed that ‘Less is a bore’ and scoured through the classical tradition of decorative motives to bring architecture closer to people and make it meaningful again. This was a short-l
Situado en los antiguos muelles de Amberes, el nuevo museo de la historia de la ciudad, llamado Museum Aan de Stroom (MAS) —por encontrarse a orillas del Escalda—, forma parte de un gran proyecto de revitalización de esta degradada zona portuaria. La
Pocos libros tan trabajados como éste, y pocos que despierten tanta simpatía por sus esforzados autores. Willem Jan Neutelings (1959) y Michiel Riedijk (1964) tienen la equívoca fortuna de pertenecer a la última oleada de arquitectos holandeses; como
A efectos de publicaciones de arquitectura, la mención de los Países Bajos sugiere de inmediato fotos de satélite con aglomeraciones urbanas, vistas aéreas de prados cultivados y más prados con vacas en el horizonte. Sin desviarse de esa imagen ya fa
Un año más, el anuario del Instituto Holandés de Arquitectura muestra las tendencias de la moda nacional en la temporada 1999-2000, y avanza lo que veremos la próxima. Frente a colecciones pasadas llenas de pliegues y alabeos, sinónimos de la hipermo
The dwelling is the territory of formal experiments: in Holland and Japan, high demographic density is at times accompanied by high artistic density.
While still a student at Delft, in the era of Herman Hertzberger, Carel Weeber and Rem Koolhaas the Belgian Willem Jan Neutelings (1959) started working for the Office of Metropolitan Architecture. After 5 years with OMA, Neutelings opened his own st