(Luxembourg, 1946)
While in Europe the architects face the problem of the conservation of heritage, in the new American cities the challenge is to create monuments and singular buildings ex novo to accentuate their urban image. In Windsor, Florida – a city designed in
If building one’s own home is one of the most difficult exercises, in the case of Leon Krier the exercise is even more complicated. After 18 years in the profession as a permanent polemicist, writing and describing what architecture should and should
The new head of the United Kingdom is an advocate of traditional architecture and has promoted it in his estates in Cornwall through a development, Poundbury, with Léon Krier as principal advisor. During his time as Prince of Wales he wrote texts in
Against archaeology of the kind that is based on a superstitious respect for the ruin, Krier advocates the scientific and evocative reconstruction of monuments of the past.
Robert Stern’s work and influence as an architect, urbanist, historian, publisher, cultural patron, and educator are unique in the panorama of contemporary culture, breathtaking in their sheer output, consistent in their Olympian quality and professi
In a foreword to the Spanish edition of his book ‘The Architecture of Community’, Léon Krier condemns the excesses of recent urban development.
The question poses a whole moral dilemma: “Can a war criminal be a great artist?” Léon Krier says yes: that Albert Speer was guilty of the Nazi horror, and was also a magnificent architect. To demonstrate that he was a magnificent architect, Krier pu
El alcalde de Roma, Gianni Alemanno, ha presentado el proyecto de remodelación urbana de Tor Bella Monaca, un degradado suburbio al sureste de la ciudad, que se convertirá en una ‘metrópolis policéntrica’ con todos los usos y servicios integrados, y
Krier regresa. El arquitecto, escritor y dibujante luxemburgués, que fue uno de los protagonistas del movimiento posmoderno, vuelve a las trincheras de la polémica con dos libros-manifiesto, que recopilan sus críticas gráficas y literarias de la mode
La marea de concienciación ecológica que inunda los medios es simplemente consecuencia de la larga ignorancia del tema. El Club de Roma, el Global 2000 Report para el Presidente de los Estados Unidos y textos fundacionales como Entropía, de Jeremy Ri
Componiendo un lujoso puzzle tridimensional, los cuatro volúmenes que dan cuenta de la actividad creativa de la arquitecta anglo-iraquí —obras, proyectos, textos y dibujos— se insertan en un paralelepípedo de metacrilato rojo que compendia una vida c
León Krier On 22 March, the inaugural Driehaus Prize for Classical Architecture was presented to Léon Krier in a ceremony held at the Art Institute of Chicago. Founded by the businessman Richard H. Driehaus with the University of Notre Dame, and furn
Todo el mundo sabe que Philip Johnson y Henry-Russell Hitchcock vaciaron la arquitectura moderna europea de su contenido social y cultural en una exposición celebrada en 1932 en el Museo de Arte Moderno de Nueva York. Su intención era proporcionarle