August was more cruel than April. The suffocating heat and the fires burned up media covers, but the heart of architecture froze at the news of the death of Jean-Louis Cohen and Peter Buchanan, a Frenchman and a Briton who contributed to the discipli
An allergic reaction put a sudden end to the life of Jean-Louis Cohen last 7 August, just months after the demise of his wife, the sociologist Monique Eleb. Born in Paris and trained as an architect, he was an expert on the Soviet world, although his
Does history serve architects? Often. If we assume that no architect who has made a significant contribution has ever been an analphabet, history has irrigated everyone’s thinking, being the object of literal interpretations, instrumental readings, o
A recent journey through the principal cities of the country was a stocktaking of Ukraine’s rich heritage, now under threat of Russian bombardments.
“One must be absolutely modern.” Since the time Rimbaud wrote this intimidating phrase in 1873, we have been turning it around in our heads. Also in architecture, which was quick to equip itself with the instrument it needs to make good judgments on
Questioned on the appropriation of existing forms in OFFICE’s projects, Kersten Geers has affirmed in 2017: “We are interested in references, but we use them ‘lightly’.” This modest statement provides an initial orientation for the analysis of the wo
Over the past twenty years, the work of Álvaro Siza has taken on a new dimension, for both its geographic and thematic reach. His field of action had long ago surpassed Portugal’s frontiers – take for instance his participation at the Venice Biennale
In Principes de géographie humaine, published in 1921, geographer Paul Vidal de la Blache evoked “[the] arches and the domes, all of this marvelous flowering which has alternately expressed Egyptian and Hellenistic art, that of Rome, and that of Byza
If there is a blind spot in the astonishingly vast literature dedicated to Le Corbusier, it is certainly his relationship to landscape, which provided him with scenes to observe, stimulation for invention, horizons against which to set his projects,
Le Corbusier left us fifty years ago, but he is still stubbornly among us. The centennial of his birth in 1987 brought about a broad critical review of his legacy, which this magazine collected in two consecutive issues of that year (AV 9 and 10), wh
Half a century after his death, the bibliography on Le Corbusier is truly overwhelming, and in this section we have tried to cover the most significant examples. But the book by Jean-Louis Cohen, which served as catalog for the MoMA exhibition that h
Cada nueva historia se mide con las anteriores, y esta no es una excepción. De hecho, Jean-Louis Cohen menciona a sus predecesores, y en pocos casos con simpatía: hasta los años 1970, las historias de Sigfried Giedion, Bruno Zevi, Henry-Russell Hitch
After the Maxéville workshops closed down, and while he was still head of the CIMT (Compagnie Industrielle de Matériel de Transport), Jean Prouvé had the opportunity, for around twelve years, to express his ideas about the world and his work method b
La II Guerra Mundial fue un periodo de barbarie en el que, sin embargo, se desarrollaron innovaciones aprovechadas por la arquitectura posterior; una muestra en el CCA de Montreal recupera este singular periodo.
«Tú serás arquitecto», le auguró su profesor de arte; «nunca jamás; detesto ese oficio», respondió en 1905 el joven Charles-Édouard Jeanneret. Ahora lo conocemos como Le Corbusier, maestro indiscutible de la arquitectura del siglo XX. Escrito con mo
In the 1980s, dissidents fighting the late Communist regime in Poland nicknamed the group of men who had fortified in power “Beton” or concrete. In the same area of Europe, the industrial system created in Eastern Germany beginning in the 1960s to de
Con la experiencia adquirida al frente de la galería Aedes de Berlín y en la organización de exposiciones de arquitectura, Kristin Feireiss ha dirigido el Instituto Holandés de Arquitectura durante un lustro. Para recapitular esta etapa, ha seleccion
A skyscraper inscribes its geometric outline into the night sky of the metropolis. Its facade is punctuated by the rectangular openings of its tiers of windows, while its base plunges down into a checkerboard of streets lit by the beams of automobile
Los libros sobre ciudades son buenos compañeros de viaje. Y cuando sus autores son autoridades en materia urbana como Jean-Louis Cohen y Monique Eleb, podemos esperar algo más que una visita guiada. Este volumen dedicado a París ofrece un recorrido a
Cuando doy clases en Nueva York cada invierno, tengo la costumbre de alojarme en una de las Silver Towers, tres rascacielos de hormigón construidos en 1967 por el estudio de I.M. Pei para los profesores de la Universidad de Nueva York. Desde el apart
The deployment of architectural magazines published in Russia in the period between the revolution and World War II represents an essential factor in the constitution of architectural movements and their daily activity. An indispensable platform for
Jean-Louis Cohen Amerikanizm in Russian Architecture
Jean-Louis Cohen
Thames & Hudson - 403 Pages
Jean-Louis Cohen Staffan Ahrenberg From Painting to Architecture
Jean-Louis Cohen
London 2012
Phaidon - 528 Pages
Jean-Louis Cohen Designing and Building for the Second World War
Jean-Louis Cohen La planète comme chantier
Jean-Louis Cohen Monique Eleb Antonio Martinelli
París 2000
Norma Editorial - 288 Pages