1935 (Milano, Italy)
The library presides over the Nou Campus plaza, its symmetrical facade, closing the perspective created by two parallel classroom blocks. The public space of this seat of learning is shaded by regularly planted trees. The Nous Cam
As first prize winner of the Asea Brown Boveri competition, Giorgio Grassi has been assigned the development of two of the five blocks conceived by him for the whole area, precisely two of the three intermediate H-shaped volumes that characterize his
Like so many other monuments of antiquity, the Roman theater of Sagunto was despoiled during various stages of history, and its materials and architectural elements reused for constructions inside and outside of the city. Historically and geographica
Berlín tiene dos centros: uno es el enjambre de hoteles caros, bares, cines y tiendas que se agrupan alrededor de la Iglesia del Emperador Guillermo, chispeando de luz como un diamante falso en la penumbra incierta de la ciudad. El otro es ese estudi
The Spreeinsel, or 'Spree Island', became the representative seat of power of the German Empire on its southern side, and throughout the 19th century its northern end was transformed into a privileged cultural site: the Altes Museum by Karl Friedrich
Desde que escribiese La construcción lógica de la arquitectura en 1967 y La arquitectura como oficio en 1974, el milanés Giorgio Grassi ha sido entre nosotros sobre todo un teórico, protagonista junto a Aldo Rossi de la renovación conceptual de la di
Cuando el eje del debate arquitectónico no pasaba, como ahora, por Rotterdam y Basilea, sino por Milán y Nueva York, Giorgio Grassi publicó dos obras que marcaron a nuestra generación. La construcción lógica de la arquitectura (1967), un año posterio
The third of the major competitions promoted by private initiative is the one organized by the Asea Brown Boveri consortium for the 16,500-square-meter strip of land it owns, between Linkstrasse and Kothenerstrasse, where the Potsdamer Banhof stood b
After the passions of 1992,1993 was a year of hangovers, low profiles and everyday dramas. The emblematic year of the 5th Centenary could have been summed up by four forceful silhouettes in four big Spanish cities: the steel octopus designed by Frank
Un teatro romano, una catedral románica, un palacio barroco y un museo neoclásico: cuatro conflictos recientes muestran la dimensión afectiva de la conservación del patrimonio.