1971 (Bilbao, Spain)
With a gross floor area of 60,000 square meters, the new pharmaceutical production plant for the Faes Farma group is located in the Bizkaia Science and Technology Park, in Derio. Adapted to a complex topography with substantial slopes, the building d
The rioja alta has the ideal climatic, geological, and topographic conditions for winemaking. Though its production dates back to ancient times, the arrival of the railroad in the 19th century and the interest of French winemakers in the excellent lo
Southeast of Nantes – in the municipality of Bouguenais, which belongs to the French cantón of Rezé – rises this building by IDOM – Gohar Manrique San Pedro, Inés López Taberna, Iñaki Garai – which ensued from winning a competition to improve the cit
Located at Plaza de Cruces in Baracaldo, this new-build construction harbors laboratories and animal research facilities of the Biocruces Institute. The project drawn up by Idom under the direction of Gonzalo Carro presents eight floors, three of whi
El proyecto de Idom, dirigido por Jesús María Susperregui Virto, responde a un modelo de hospital de alta especialización, docente e investigador, centrado en la asistencia al paciente. Con 35.000 metros cuadrados de uso sanitario, el edificio compac
Posed on the site of one of the bloodiest battles waged during the Great War, the huge ring lists on its inside the names of the 579,606 of different nationalities who perished.
Established in 2001, the Centro Superior de Música del País Vasco (Higher Music Center of the Basque Country) used to be housed in San Sebastián’s Miramar Palace. The new building, located in Plaza de Europa at the Ibaeta campus of the UPV-EHU (Unive
Popularly known as “the Cathedral,” the old stadium of the Athletic Club of Bilbao dated back to 1913, and was one of Spain’s oldest. In 2004 the City Council began to plan its replacement with a more modern facility with greater capacity, located pr
The main purpose of this laboratory for the company Arteche in the municipality of Mungia, in the province of Vizcaya, is to accommodate a large space for testing high-voltage transformers. Such a specific and dangerous use made it necessary for the
The archive is located on María Díaz de Haro street, near Bilbao’s main street, on a plot between party walls measuring 20 meters wide and 70 meters deep, belonging to one of the urban blocks in the expansion areas of the city. Below grade, the build
Las ciudades crecen habitualmente redibujando sus periferias. El emplazamiento del proyecto es resultado de un plan de reconversión de antiguos terrenos industriales en una zona residencial de media densidad. Las primeras intervenciones se enfrentan
Las viviendas se sitúan en una zona de expansión de la ciudad de Vitoria hacia el oeste, en el polígono de Zabalgana. En la parcela se desarrolla un bloque orientado al este y al oeste en sus frentes más largos en el que se da cabida a 65 viviendas r
Instead of maintaining several centers indifferent locations of a same city, an habitual organization for many multinational companies, Telefónica has opened this new business campus that brings together all its centers on a single plot in the urban
The construction of the Guggenheim Museum and the Euskalduna Palace – the latter as a venue for conventions, concerts and operas – on a brownfield site along Bilbao’s estuary has consolidated this part of the city, which already featured the Fine Art
With space, architecture, and the object as starting point, the photographs of Aitor Ortiz (Bilbao, 1971) invite spectators to observe from a different perspective, free from the limitations imposed by a specific context or landscape. The exhibition
El presente libro es el catálogo de la exposición de la obra de Aitor Ortiz que se hizo en 2011 en el Guggenheim de Bilbao, y que al año siguiente viajó al Museo Sueco de Fotografía en Estocolmo. Para que se entienda bien, creo que es importante no p
Hatje Cantz se ha convertido en los últimos años en una de las referencias clave del mundo editorial en el campo del arte contemporáneo y especialmente en el de la fotografía. Señalemos de pasada que la editorial alemana acaba de publicar una impecab
Just as the annals of twentieth-century architecture began drawing to their close, a thrilling and largely unexpected denouement was provided by Frank Gehry. The completion of his Guggenheim Museum Bilbao of 1991-1997 in the Basque country’s largest
Rafael Moneo has been described as an architect who is not interested in cultivating a personal style. Antón Capitel, said that Moneo takes the discipline as “the reflective use of diverse resources, in search not of an architecture of its time, but
¿Artesanía o industria? La chapa metálica se ofrece hoy con formas muy diversas que responden a los últimos avances tecnológicos en producción y puesta en obra. Sin dejar de lado las soluciones artesanas, la chapa se ha convertido en un producto que
Bilbao ingresó en la toponimia mítica de la vanguardia en 1929. Ese año se estrenó en Berlín una obra de Bertold Brecht con canciones de Kurt Weill, una de las cuales era la famosa Bilbao-Song; sin embargo, la acción de la obra teatral se desarrollab
La síntesis entre imaginación plástica y rigor constructivo caracteriza un edificio cuya realización ha planteado todo tipo de retos técnicos.