1870 (Brno, Czech Republic) - 1933 (Kalksburg, Austria)
If we could sum up fin-de-siècle Vienna with an image, it would be the Nuda Veritas that Gustav Klimt painted in 1899, a representation of the naked truth that the members of the Secession chose as an emblem. Defenders of a new way of creating and in
The architect and theorist Adolf Loos was the subject of reviews published in this magazine in 2018, with write-ups on the book about his trial for pedophilia, on the facsimile of Das Andere, and on the exhibition held at the CaixaForum centers of Ba
Now on view at Madrid’s Caixaforum, the exhibition focuses on the treatment that the Viennese architect Adolf Loos applied to interior spaces.
The Loos enigma begins to unravel. A new generation of historians is throwing light on the darkest corners of an architect who half a century ago was famously described by Nikolaus Pevsner as ‘a mystery.’ The reprinting and translation in English of
The age of iconic architecture seems to have ended: it is time for the discipline to recover its links with the necessary as well as its capacity to solve problems.
The history of modern architecture began with the demolition of long-held certainties. With foundations pushed away by enlightened ideas, architects went in search of a legitimizing principle for their discipline. The only certainty we can make out,
“Dear Corbu, everything we have fought for is paralleled in ancient Japanese culture.” With this, written on a postcard of Ryoanji (the legendary karesansui zen garden of fifteen rocks, built in the 15th century as a metaphor of time) sent in 1954, G
The exhibition ‘Las otras Pedreras’ and its catalog, both subtitled ‘Arquitectura y diseño en el mundo a principios del siglo XX’, commemorate the 100 years since the opening of Antoni Gaudí’s La Pedrera building. Along the lines of Pevsner, they rel
Con la monografía de Norman Foster, la revista Descubrir el Arte ofrecía la primera de las ocho entregas de la colección ‘Arquitectos Pritzker’, con la que se acerca a la obra de algunos de los arquitectos reconocidos con el prestigioso galardón. Los
Mucho ha llovido en el londinense barrio de Bethnal Green desde que Adam Caruso y Peter St John establecieran allí su estudio en 1990, en un antiguo edificio industrial. Autores de proyectos galardonados como la Walsall Art Gallery o la Brick House,
Arquitecto, diseñador y crítico, el vienés Bernard Rudofsky (1905-1988) es sobre todo conocido por su exposición Arquitectura sin arquitectos, una defensa de la sabiduría y la belleza de la construcción vernácula que desde su presentación en el MoMA
Más conocidos como autores, editores y organizadores de debates y exposiciones, Fátima Fernandes y Michele Cannatà también construyen. Esta monografía repasa la trayectoria de la pareja luso-italiana. Síntesis inconfundible de las escuelas de Siza y
Hal Foster—por entonces director adjunto de Art in America— recopiló en 1983 una admirable colección de ensayos, publicados por la modesta Bay Press con el título The Anti-Aesthetic, que jalonaban el territorio de la cultura posmoderna. Desde la mode
Cuando el eje del debate arquitectónico no pasaba, como ahora, por Rotterdam y Basilea, sino por Milán y Nueva York, Giorgio Grassi publicó dos obras que marcaron a nuestra generación. La construcción lógica de la arquitectura (1967), un año posterio
Architecture validates fashion, but fashion also validates architecture. Georges Rech or Louis Vuitton endorse and are endorsed by the aluminum warps of the Pompidou restaurant, providing an exact example of the synergies of design: stark works as th
In contrast with the fatal fantasy of the cybernetic body, the stark organic materiality of human existence imposes itself with abrupt gravitas. The conscience of the body in the extreme experience of pain or pleasure finds an echo in the heightened
If the city fades away in indistinct territory, and if landscape only survives through simulation, the human body reproduces the stages of that journey through the dissolution of the naked body in a virtual crowd, the fleeing of the figure towards th
¿Qué hacen Peter Altenberg y Adolf Loos paseando por un Chicago soñado? Félix, la criatura de Messmer y Sullivan, vigila en la noche de luna llena. Es un recuerdo y un pequeño homenaje a Italo Calvino, el escritor de ciudades imaginadas, tomado de lo
«Loos asegura que busca la verdad...; pero, como es bien sabido, la búsqueda de la verdad no es necesariamente lineal y sobre todo no se traduce en un oficio. (...) Precisamente porque la idea de arquitectura es única... porque sólo unas cuantas inno
Art museums fuse with the world of fashion, creating an amalgam that is irreverent or frivolous to some, but enigmatic and seductive to many more.
Despite the Esprit Nouveau’s enthusiasm for Loos’s ideas, in fact Le Corbusier and the Viennese master would in time grow apart. Their initial coincidence arose from their mutual distaste toward the Jugendstil. But their disagreements were centered o
Claire Beck Loos
Barcelona 2018
Mudito & Co. - 148 Pages
Christopher Long
Prague 2017
Kant - 173 Pages
Beatriz Colomina The Other
Hal Foster
Nueva York 2002
Verso - 176 Pages
Giorgio Grassi
Barcelona 2003
Ed. del Serbal - 221 Pages