
Accident and Formlessness. Bubbles at the Museum


Accident and Formlessness. Bubbles at the Museum

Luis Fernández-Galiano 

Housing unit of the complex, Eindhoven

As the poet Giacomo Leopardi well knew, and expressed with admirable prose in one of his Dialogues, death and fashion share the territory of disappearance and change. The same material aging that forces the permanent renewal of living creatures becomes symbolic aging in the terrain of appearance, urging in a similar way to a constant mutation of the image. Perhaps because of this, the deterioration and corruption of the organic leads in a inevitable and imperceptible way to the fidgety ground of fickle fashion, tangled to death by the close link of disorder. The fractures and the shifts caused by accidents or catastrophes evoke landscapes darkened by devastation or grief, but are also used as surprise devices to attract the attention of spectators numbed by the calm routine of customary perception; for its part, the new wave of warped, shapeless volumes disquietingly blurs the predictable bold contours of geometry, but their primitive masses serve equally well to provoke the frisson de plaisir caused by the unease of mystery or by the anxiety of horror. The broken and the formless are both terror and temptation...[+]

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