House, Body, Crisis
Luis Fernández-Galiano
Galería de sombras
Gallery of Shadows
Prólogo Prologue
Centón de colecciones Cluster of Collections
La mirada del arquitecto y los escombros de la historia
The Eye of the Architect and the Rubble of History
El desorden alrededor The Surrounding Disorder
Maneras de mirar Ways of Seeing
Elegía del ojo Elegy of the Eye
Visiones escépticas Skeptical Visions
Casa House
Casas y contextos Houses and Contexts
La vida elemental. Energía, habitación y territorio
The Elementary Life. Energy, Dwelling and Territory
La Cabaña mutante The Mutant Cabin
Virus suburbano Suburban Viruses
Belleza americana American Beauty
Un planeta plano A Flat Planet
Contenedores y contenidos. El sueño doméstico
Containers and Contents.The Dream of the House
Escenas del ajuar Domestic Scenes
El clásico simulacro Classical Simulacra
Contenedores a la deriva Containers Adrift
Sueños de diseño Designer Dreams
Ciudades del consumo Consumer Cities
Paisajes urbanos. Geometrías del movimiento
Urban Landscapes. Geometries of Movement
Agitaciones orgánicas Organic Agitations
Tiempos modernos Modern Times
Paisajes sobre ruedas Landscape on Wheels
Paradojas de la densidad Paradoxes of Density
Utopía y facsímil. Entre Babel y Disney
Utopia and Facsimile. Between Babel and Disney
Utopías cooptadas Co-Opted Utopias
Ciudades temáticas Theme Cities
Cuentos de hadas Fairytales
El mundo según G. The World According to G.
Cuerpo Body
Cuerpos concertados Corporal Concert
Materia virtual. El desvanecimiento de lo físico
Virtual Matter.The Fading of Flesh
Nueva Eva y nuevo Adán New Eve and New Adam
Desnudos intangibles Intangible Nudes
La figura en fuga The Fleeing Figure
Marcos y marcas Frames and Signs
El rebaño desnudo. Dolor y domesticación humana
The Naked Herd. Pain and Human Domestication
Deconstrucción del dolor Deconstruction of Pain
Historias de la mano Stories of the Hand
Anatomías expuestas Exposed Anatomies
Holocausto animal Animal Holocaust
Catástrofes cabales Calm Catastrophes
Lo accidentado y lo informe. Burbujas en el museo
Accident and Formlessness. Bubbles in the Museum
Ficciones de fractura Frictions of Fracture
Catástrofe y exorcismo Catastrophe and Exorcism
Burbuja de bultos Bubble of Blobs
La moda del museo The Museum Fashion
Arquitectos en la pasarela. El espectáculo y la escala
Architects on the Catwalk. Spectacle and Scale
Obras que se exhiben Works on Display
Arquitectos de papel Paper Architects
El autor y la audiencia Author and Audience
Estilo frente a escala Style against Scale
Crisis Crisis
Crisis crepusculares Crepuscular Crises
El rascacielos y el avión. Metáforas del 11-S
The Skyscraper and the Airplane. Metaphors of 9/11
Fotogramas del horror Frames of Horror
Premoniciones y ecos Premonitions and Echoes
Duelo en las alturas Duel in the City Heights
Las formas del vuelo The Forms of Flight
Logos en pugna. Globalización y choque de culturas
Logos in Conflict. Globalization and Cultural Clash
La lógica del logo The logic of Logos
Arquitectos de papel Paper Architects
Geografías del ocaso Geographies of Sunset
Luces y lápidas Lights and Gravestones
Colores de guerra War Colors
Códigos del conflicto Conflict Codes
La imagen del otro. Comunicación y conciencia
The Image of the Other. Conscience and the Media
La esfera de los mediosThe Media Sphere
Mujeres desveladas Unveiled Women
Occidente y el otro The West and the Other
Vestidos para morir Dressed to Die
Líderes, banderas, víctimas. Los límites del planeta
Leaders, Flags, Victims. The Boundaries of the Planet
El gran juego de Asia The Great Game of Asia
Babel contra Babilonia Babel against Babylon
Levantando banderas Raising Flags
Identitades errantes Wandering Identities
Epílogo Epilogue
Cámaras corales Choral Cameras
La historia sin fin y las multitudes del mundo
Endless History and the Multitudes of the World
La multitud y el vacío The Crowd and the Void
Humanidad unánime Unanimous Humanity
Dinámica de grupos Group Dynamics
Espíritus y espectros Spirits and Specters
Luis Fernández-Galiano
Gallery of Shadows
Made up with slides of lectures and classes, this virtual patchwork of architectures, seductions and horrors is organized around three main themes: house and city; body and catastrophe; and crisis and conflict. The sections are built with the elementary unit of the double page, and with introductory texts for each four of them to lessen the monotony of the openings formed almost exclusively by images. In its structure, the printed issue evokes its academic origin and its material archive, because the frequent pairing of illustrations in the layout comes from the usual double projection in the classroom, and their grouping in the thematic cores of the double pages handles a number close to the twenty slides that fit in a standard plate. I have tried to let the images speak for themselves, and have written the texts only after designing the page layout. The predominance of the graphic discourse is an architect´s vice, but perhaps the art historians - from the Warburg of the atlases to the Wöllfflin of the parallel project - can also be held responsible for the parallel projection- can also be held responsible for the presentation method. The resulting density recalls the clutter of old painting cabinet, and that is why this text is illustrated with the Panorama of the Central Gallery of the Prado Museum, the 10 meter long photograph by Laurent carried out between 1882 and 1883 with 72 assembled shots, which could be seen using a rotary machine. Here, the strip of the Grafoscopio has been replaced by a sequence of frames, though weaved in a panorama of somehow similar continuity. With a title which evokes another monograph published over fifteen years ago - replacing the sweet dreams of the eighties with the bitter crisis of the millennium beginnings-, the thousand images of this gallery of shadows compose a discourse of the eye or against the eye, a record of the disorder of the times and perhaps also a melancholy cry for order.