MiM Hotel Mallorca, Spain
Located in the coastal town of S'Illot, on the Sa Coma beach, the MiM Mallorca facility of the Majestic Hotel GROUP has obtained LEED V4 certification – the Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design stamp issued by the Green Building Council since 1993 – after a thorough overhaul grounded on sustainability criteria, using sustainable materials and solutions. These include: LED lights with motion sensors and illumination intensity regulators for communal zones; photovoltaic solar panels making the building 10% energy self-sufficient; reuse of industrially cooled air for the spa; and a roof with a high SRI (solar reflectance index) to lessen the building’s thermal demands.

The finishes are mostly rendered in white, which has the effect of reducing heat, thus improving comfort in the interiors. As for construction materials, priority was given to products and solutions endorsed by certification of compliance with standards, all to ensure that their properties bear positively on the wellbeing and health of the building’s users. The choice for the indoor claddings, hence, was TITANLUX Total Coverage Protect, a highly washable and high-coverage vinyl paint that eliminates bacteria, yeasts, and fungi on contact, preventing them from proliferating, with a VOC (volatile organic compounds) A+ label on account of its low emission of noxious volatile substances, further improving the quality of indoor air.

It is estimated that with these measures the hotel, with respect to a hotel establishment deemed equivalent by the American LEED certification standards of sustainability, will save energy by over 27% and water by over 20%.