Headquartered in Castellón de la Plana but running offices in over ten countries, Estudio Cactus is a technology consulting firm with expertise in softwar solutions for the industrial sector. This year it presents a new application: Overlapp.
Free of charge and downloadable on Google Play or Apple Store, Overlapp enables you to select materials for decorating different sorts of spaces. With a photograph you either snap or take from your gallery, you can visualize how something you have picked from a wide range of items offered by suppliers within the community would look in the room. Comprising a large number of companies, among them Neolith and Porcelanosa, the community fosters business ties with interior designers, decorators, and architects, attaching an extra added value to all parties involved. One can compare different products and see which ones suit any particular project best. From a smartphone or a tablet, this App expedites decision making, and we are no longer dependent on traditional programs.
For more information, see the video: overlapp