Palleter building, Valencia
Established by Andrés Perales and Pablo Bertolín, the Valencian firm Designable designs and raises customized residential buildings in city centers with the aim of creating communities of people united by sustainability values and with an eye to their well-being.
Designable’s work revolves around personalizing every dwelling, giving users the chance to decide on layout, finishings, style, or fittings. On the premise that every person is unique, the Valencian firm pays attention to the routines, desires, and even ‘quirks’ of to-be-users, and adapts spaces to each set of tastes and needs, accompanying clients step by step in the making of their respective bespoke homes. For everyone to get acquainted with one another and share ideas, meetings are organized – currently all virtual – between the Designable team and the residents of any Designable building. The experience thus becomes more direct and hands-on, combining technology and teamwork: the technology makes for flexibility, speed, and automation of processes; and the teamwork fosters trust and professionalism between designers and users.
Starting in 2021, all Designable buildings will be energy self-sufficient, with thermal insulation, air conditioning, heating, and ventilation all optimized.
Among Designable´s built projects are the apartments at Plaza Rojas Clemente and the development on Calle Clero, both in Valencia. The Palleter building, programmed for completion in 2022, is already in the market.

Living room. Apartment Plaza Rojas Clemente, Valencia

Facade of the building Plaza Rojas Clemente, Valencia

Facade of the building, Clero street, Valencia

Living room. Apartment Clero street, Valencia