Arquitectura Viva 263: Peris + Toral

Peris + Toral, 42 Social Dwellings in Son Servera, España
Against market fevers, housing in Barcelona has in recent years found the protection of public policies whose effectivity is partly due to the know-how of its architects. Marta Peris and José Toral have contributed to this promising panorama through their two decades of experience, demonstrating that quality is not at odds with the affordable and that the field is still full of programmatic, spatial, and material potential, as seen in the five public housing development featured in Arquitectura Viva.
The issue’s dossier presents two parking-garage projects that reimagine the conventional scheme for these facilities: the Kronenrain area in Neuenburg am Rhein (Germany) by Mono Architekten, and four parking structures in Muharraq (Bahrein) by Christian Kerez.
In the Art and Culture chapter, Kosme de Barañano pays tribute to the recently deceased Richard Serra with a run-through of his biography and oeuvre, as Carlos Jiménez does for the American architect Antoine Predock. And in line with the announcement of this year’s Pritzker, Luis Lope de Toledo celebrates the architecture of Riken Yamamoto through recollections of the time he spent in the new laureate’s studio. All this with the usual News and Books sections, plus a text written by Luis Fernández-Galiano in memory of Manuel Melis Maynar, an engineer who changed Madrid in the past decades.