Extension of Tate Modern, London (in construction)
Herzog & de Meuron- Type Museum Culture / Leisure Refurbishment
- Material Brick Ceramics
- Date 2005 - 2016
- City London
- Country United Kingdom
- Photographer Marcus Leith Andrew Dunkley Lobster Pictures Iwan Baan Roland Halbe

Tate Modern has changed London since 2000. Herzog & de Meuron’s project has had a huge impact on the development of Southwark, and in fact Tate Modern has become the world’s most visited museum of modern and contemporary art. Such popularity and the need to accommodate a growing collection encouraged to undertake the museum’s expansion. After six years of construction works, 2016 has seen the opening of Switch House, a pyramidal 10-storey building that adds 22,500 square meters of galleries and new kinds of spaces. The new building also transforms the subterranean oil tanks into spaces for performances and installations. These tanks emerge in a large terrace south of the Turbine Hall...[+]
Cliente Client
Arquitectos Architects
Herzog & de Meuron
Equipo de proyecto Project Team
Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, (socios partners) Ascan Mergenthaler (socio a cargo del proyecto partner in charge), Harry Gugger (socio a cargo hasta 2009?partner in charge until 2009) John O’Mara (asociado, director del proyecto associate, project director), Kwamina Monney (project manager), Ben Duckworth (asociado associate), Christoph Zeller. A. Adan, R. Aebi (taller workshop), M. Alonso Yebra, I. Alvarez Matamoros, R. Arpagaus, S. Bahluli Zamani, J. Barlow, P. K. Becher, M. Bekker, A. Berger, A. Bertholdt, A. Blancas, M. Boehm, F. Bojesen, V. Bowman, B. Bravo Reyes, E. J. Bryan, C. Cantwell, M. Casey (asociado associate), M. Chan, E. Choy, D. Connor, O. Cooke, M. Corradi (tecnología digital digital technologies), C. Curk, D. De Azevedo Coutinho Lobo Antunes, F. de Freitas, J. Dejardin, M. del Rio Sanin, D. Dietz, S. Dobnig, G. Douglas, C. Ebeling, S. Tarek El Kordy, M. Eriksson, J. Jakob Fach, F. Fawcett, E. Ferguson, A. Franz, M. Gasser, G. Giacoppo, A. Gibbs, L. Gisler, S. Goeddertz (asociado?associate), J. Grainger, J. Gutteridge, V. Helm, A. Hernandez, P. Herrero, I. Herrling, J. Hilfenhaus, D. Hirabayashi, F. Hoelzel, D. Huang, K. Jackowska, S. Chinita Janeiro, S. Jardim Manteigas, S. Johnson, J. Kim, Y. Kodai, P. Krzeminski, T. Kurokawa, L. Selim Lachauer, D. Leech, K. Liu, Á. L?rincz (visualizaciones visualisations), J. Lui, A. Massé, D. Matheson, O. Meystre, C. Morales Castillo, I. Moye Verduzco, M. Nässén, D. Nüssen, J. Oggier, B. Olschner, M. Ors Romagosa, C. Won Park, D. Peters, C. J. Pirie, J. Pockson, M. Portilla Kawamura, C. Preiswerk, G. Rafailidis, T. Rainsley, H. Rasch, A. Reeg, S. Riegas (tecnología digital digital technologies), K. Riemenschnitter, R. Roberts, J. Roschi, P. Schaerer, C. Schmidlin, H. Schmidt, G. Schwob (taller?workshop), M. Sedano Peralta, J. Silvester, K. Slawecka, I. Smrke Kröger, H. Song, H. Spoerl, P. Stec, T. Stevens, K. Strehlke (tecnología digital digital technologies), D. Tatxé, S. Tiedemann, R. Torres Martín (visualizaciones visualisations), P. Vantieghem, F. Verardo, T. von Girsewald, C. Voss, W. Walschap (asociado associate), C. Young, M. Zacharias (visualizaciones visualisations), C. Zipperle, C. Zöllner
Planificación Planning
Herzog & de Meuron (diseñador principal lead designer); Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten (paisajismo landscape design); Jasper Morrison (mobiliario furniture design); Ramboll UK (estructuras desde 2008 structural engineering from 2008); Max Fordham Consulting Engineers (ingeniería services engineering); Arup (ingeniería y estructuras entre 2005 y 2007 services and structural engineering between 2005 and 2007); Ramboll UK (ingeniería de fachadas facade engineering); Billings Design Associates (ingeniería de fachada facade engineering, Construction Management Advice); Arup Lighting (iluminación lighting consultant); Aecom (consultor de costes cost consultant); Gardiner & Theobald Management Services (project managers); Uxus (diseño de la tienda retail design); Cartlidge Levene with Morag Myerscough (señalización y rótulos wayfinding and signage)
Consultores Consulting
Mott McDonald (acústica acoustics); Sefton Horn Winch (hostelería catering consultant); Ramboll UK (ingeniería civil civil engineering); Design to Production (geometría geometrician); MFD (seguridad security consultant); Ramboll (tráfico traffic consultant); David Bonnett Associates (acceso access consultant); RSK (estanqueidad al aire airtightness consultant); Shen Milsom & Wilke (audiovisuales AV consultant); Sweett Group (seguridad y salud CDM coordinator); Consultant Garbers & James (consultor de diseño design manager / brief consultant); Assesment Consultant URS (impacto medioambiental environmental impact); Reef Associates (acceso a fachadas facade access & maintenance); Colin Buchanan (consultor de flujos flow consultant); Site Engineering Surverys Ltd (supervisión del terreno land and building surveying); ACVH Ltd (instalaciones MEP modelling); Millenium Models (maquetas modelling); Haag-Wackernagel (control de palomas pigeon control); Drivers Jonas Deloitte (planificación planning consultant); Schumann Smith/Aecom (especificaciones specification consultant); The London School of Economics and Political Science (paisaje urbano townscape consultant); Space Syntax (planeamiento urbanístico urban planning consultant); Hayes Davidson Onespace Design (visualizaciones visualisations); Consultant Buro Happold (residuos y logística waste & logistics); Sevil Peach (consultor laboral workplace consultant)
Fotos Photos
Herzog & de Meuron, Marcus Leith and Andrew Dunkley, Tate, Courtesy Lobster Pictures Ltd, Tate, Roland Halbe, Iwan Baan