Research Center, Cayenne

Research Center, Cayenne


The project creates a new complex where the old and new buildings are connected at all levels, making it possible to group most of the program. The structure acts as a support for a vertical garden, which provides a vegetal envelope... [+]

Obra Work
Research Center

Cliente Client
Ministère de l’Éducation Nationale, de l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche

Arquitectos Architects
Anne Lacaton & Jean Philippe Vassal, Aurélien Le Roux

Colaboradores Collaborators
Ara Gonzalez Cabrera, Pablo Gomez Rodriguez, Camille Doré, Adrian Alvarez

Arquitecto paisajista Landscape architect
Cyrille Marlin

Ingenieros Engineers
SECOTEM (instalaciones MEP); I.E.T (estructura de hormigón concrete structure); CESMA (estructura metálica metal structure); ATTA (sistemas mecánicos mechanical systems); Louis Cholet (estudios térmicos thermal studies); BTC (costes cost); Gui Jourdan (acústica acoustics)