Glass Pavilion, Montreal
First Prize

Glass Pavilion, Montreal

First Prize

Located in the Botanical Garden of Montreal and surrounded by a double glass facade covered with climbing roses, the new building houses a large multifunctional room with an open-plan floor that, together with the hall, makes a total of 760m²... [+]

Obra Work
Glass Pavilion

Cliente Client
Espace pour la vie, Montréal  

Arquitectos Architects
Anne Lacaton & Jean Philippe Vassal, Frédéric Druot architects (diseño design); FABG (arquitectos locales asociados associated local architects)

Colaboradores Collaborators
Florian de Pous (jefe de proyecto project chief); Gaëtan Redelsperger (gestor del proyecto project manager); Emilie Gauvin, Maïlys Bouché, Kai Echigo  

Arquitecto paisajista Landscape architect
Cyrille Marlin,  

Botánico, fitosociología Botanist, phytosociology
Claude Figureau  

Especialista en artrópodos Arthropods specialist
Alain Canard  

Ingenieros Engineers
SNC-LAVALIN INC (estructura y electricidad structure and electricity); Yvon Chabot (costs cost); Joel Courchesne (energía y diseño ambiental leadership in energy & environmental design)