Art Mill Museum, Doha

Art Mill Museum, Doha


The design can be summed up in a grand gesture, a roof of 150,000 square meters that unifies the set of enclosed spaces, terraces, and gardens, covering the site at 40 meters high with a mesh that guarantees shaded spaces without hindering natural ventilation... [+]

Obra Work
Art Mill Museum

Cliente Client
Qatar Museums

Arquitectos Architects
Anne Lacaton & Jean Philippe Vassal, Inside Outside (Petra Blaisse)

Colaboradores Collaborators
Cloé Cazade (jefe de proyecto project chief); Ayumi Okano, Anna Bajanova, Camille Doré, Adrian Alvarez

Maqueta Model
Sébastien Lecaille,  

Ingenieros Engineers
Robert Claire (climatización climate)