Edgemar Art Museum and Commercial Developtment in Santa Monica
Frank Gehry 

Edgemar Art Museum and Commercial Developtment in Santa Monica

Frank Gehry 

The principle of disorder or, if you will, of fragmentary order that Frank Gehry uses as a characteristic feature has here an application in the suburban Santa Monica: a scattered neighborhood, concrete and asphalt, and a commercial and cultural program; small museum, parking, stores, restaurant and offices. The site is large enough not to force a compact design, and the architect continues to test his formula of decomposed composition. It consists of arranging a simple grid that arranges the floor plan, and then dropping acidic drops of disorder that dissolve the grid and eat up part of it. In a lot with three interior boundaries, this dissolving disorder is applied, naturally, on the street façade. The holes it creates thus serve as a penetration into the interior of the block...[+]

Sher Development l Santa Monica Museum of Art

Equipo de diseñoDesign team
Frank Gehry; David Denton; Greg Walsh; Sergio Zeballos; con Adolph Ortega, Carroll Stockyard, Rene IIlustre, Bob Hale, Anne Greenwald, Sharon Williams, Bobbie, Weiser, David Pakshong, Randy Leffler, Susan Narduli