Flokehyttene Cabins, Sveio Kommune
Holon ArkitekturThe five triangular cabins, with panoramic views of the North Sea, are raised on four steel columns to avoid leaving any trace on the landscape. Their triangular shape and flat cut is carefully planned to withstand the strong winds of the area...[+]
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Obra Work
Cabañas Flokehyttene, Sveio Flokehyttene Cabins, Sveio Kommune (Norway)
Cliente Client
Haugesund Turistforening
Arquitectos Architects
Holon Arkitektur
Arquitectos principales Lead architect
Roald Bø
Ingeniería Engineering
Procon AS, Doku AS, Byggmester Helge Kvale
Consultores Consultants
Q Rådgivning, P. J. Rassmussen, Jatec, Bjelland VVS, In-Design
Colaboradores Collaborators
Norsk Tipping, SR-bank, Vestland Fylkeskommune, Sveio Kommune