Groeninge Abbey Art and Exhibition Spaces in Kortrijk
Barozzi Veiga- Type Art Center Culture / Leisure Refurbishment
- Material Brick
- Date 2020
- City Kortrijk
- Country Belgium
Focused on a broad interpretation of the theme of identity, the project extends and transforms the historically significant complex of Groeninge Abbey into an arts space for site-specific temporary exhibitions and public events. The programmatic aim is to create a new kind of museum: a place for everyone, open and versatile, an urban living space in the wonderful setting of Begijnhof Park in the center of the city. The proposal reveals the beautiful spatiality of the original structure of the abbey chapel and dormitories. In parallel, it adds a state-of-the-art subterranean exhibition space, defines a single-story pavilion, and restores the former courtyard, inserting a new garden. While the exhibition area is located below the complex, the distinctive presence of the new park pavilion establishes a dialogue with the historic structures, both through its form, which evokes the verticality of their sloping roofs, and through the logic of its orthogonal arrangement. At the same time, the pavilion’s facades, covered in dark-colored brick, give it the character of an independent element within the historical complex as a whole. The new architecture is restrained and reasoned, defined by subtle interventions that create a balance between the new and the existing.

Cliente Client
Stad Kortrijk
Arquitectos Architects
Barozzi Veiga / Fabrizio Barozzi, Alberto Veiga (socios partners) en colaboración con in collaboration with TAB Architects; Koplamp Architecten
Equipo Team
Concurso competition: Yorgos Apostolopoulos, Jonghyun Choi, Pieter Janssens, Alessandro Lussignoli, Tea Marta, Toni Poch
Desarrollo de proyecto project development: Pieter Janssens, Tomás Mesquita, Ivanna Sanjuán, Guillermo Sidrach, Antonis Tasoulis, María Ubach
Colaboradores Collaborators
Sileghem & Partners (estructura structure), Studiebureau Boydens Engineering (instalaciones installations), Daidalos Peutz bouwfysisch (sostenibilidad y acústica building physics and acoustics), xmade (fachada facade), Madoc, Koen Bovée (escenografía scenography), Hembyse (arqueología archeology)