Collegium, Arévalo

Collegium, Arévalo


The complex borrows the density and scale from the old city, and the idea of filling the interstitial space of the old cloister upon discovering, in the historic description, that the layout of the Jesuit school-church (17th-18th centuries) is based on that of the Clerecía in Salamanca...

Obra Work
Collegium, Arévalo, Ávila (Spain)

Socios Partners
Catia Bilbao, Juan Pablo Benlliure  

Director de proyecto Project director
Alba Cortés

Project manager
Blanca Bravo, Elsa Ponce

Equipo de diseño Design team
Gonzalo Mauleón, Mónica Lamela, Enrique Aureng Silva, Abelardo Bravo, Sonia Castañon, Jin Gwen, Alberto Nania, Alessia Schoor, José Ignacio Vargas, Elena Tzintala

Modelo Model
Isaac Monterrosa (director de equipo team manager); Víctor Castañeda Verónica Nazar, Eliana Lopez, Ángela Silva, Patricia Morales (equipo team); Irina Calderón (maqueta cerámica ceramic model)  

Promotor Promoter
Adrastus Colection

Fotografía Photos
David Pascual