Cal Maiol School, Barcelona
Second Prize- Architect Flores & Prats
- Type Education School and High-School
- Date 2019
- City Barcelona
- Country Spain
Cal Maiol School draws on the character and the past of Can Batlló, associated with industrial activity. The new complex includes the existing transformer station and establishes a relationship with it in terms of type, construction, structure, and proportions...[+]
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Cal Maiol School, Barcelona (Spain)
Cliente Client
Arquitectos Architects
Eva Prats y Ricardo Flores (Flores & Prats)
Equipo Team
Saray Bosch, Júlia Doz, Silvia Vila, Makoto Hayashi, Kahoru Higuchi, Juli Carandell
Colaboradores Collaborators
DM Tècnics (Arquitecto Técnico Quantity surveyor); Societat Orgànica (Sostenibilidad Sustainability); Eskubi-Turró Arquitectes (Estructuras Structures)