Central Library and Municipal Archive, Lisbon
Aires Mateus 

Central Library and Municipal Archive, Lisbon

Aires Mateus 

A large central space runs vertically through the building, meant to become a structure of urban spaces with all its elements connected externally, just as in the historic city of Lisbon, combining different programs and functions...[+]

Obra Work
Biblioteca Central y Archivo Municipal 
Central Library and Municipal Archive, Lisbon

Cliente Client
Lisbon city council 

Ubicación Location
Vale de Santo António, Lisbon, Portugal 

Fecha del proyecto Date of project

Superficie Surface area
3985m², (superficie construida built area) 61500m², (superficie parcela site area) 8570 m² 

Arquitectos Authors
Manuel Aires Mateus, Alberto de Souza Oliveira (Arquitecto principal Project Leader), Inês Cordovil (colaboradores colaborators), Sofia Passarinho, Ana Cravinho, Fátima Mendes, Valentino Capelo de Sousa, Cristiana Lopes, João Caria Lopes, Jorge P Silva, João Guimarães, Francisco Caseiro, João Miguel Esteves, Pedro Martinho 

Paisajismo Landscaping

Ingeniería Engineer
Betar, Joule 

Imágenes Images
Aires Mateus