(Mexico, 1974)
Volumes of different dimensions are interspersed with patios and platforms set at varying levels to accommodate activities for small groups and large assemblies alike. From an auditorium to a daycare, a cafeteria, toilets, and playgrounds, the buildi
A pro bono facility gathers medical clinics, lounges, and recreational amenities around a curved courtyard conceived as yet another space intended for the benefit of elderly people. The building maintains a domestic scale through a single level that
These premises are permeable to the city, seeking to use physical exercise and social interactions as a means of awakening in people a sense of belonging to the community. A simple sawtooth roof like those of nearby industries and a skin of perforate
The rough vicinity of a frontier checkpoint has been transformed, for the first time offering crossers a safe waiting place shielded from the harsh sun and equipped with lavatories. In unprecedented proximity to the security line, the modest facility
As part of a program to improve the capital’s most disadvantaged areas, a small facility provides training and meeting spaces close to what is one of the largest penitenciaries in the country. Without shutting out the street, with which it engages th
A project of the Mexican Fernanda Canales, this almost rectangular installation organized around three patios of varying size engages in a dialogue of opposite, with the Tamayo Contemporary Art Museum, a 1979-1981 work of Teodoro González de León and
Located three hours by road from Mexico City, the Terreno House simultaneously addresses two theoretically contradictory demands: shelter in the extreme climate of a region where there can be thermal drops and rises of more than thirty degrees in the
Located in the State of Mexico, the Bruma House had to address three fundamental questions: the first was how to build in the middle of a forest without felling a single tree; the second was how to open up the home to both the morning and the afterno
This apartment block rises on a 400-square-meter plot in a central neighborhood of the southern part of Mexico City. The design of the Mexican architect Fernanda Canales starts from the idea of ensuring privacy for residents while optimizing views wi
Built in the campus of the Autonomous University of Mexico, in the capital of the country, the new University Museum of Contemporary Art completes the cultural complex that constitutes the second phase of the university campus. Located on the side of
In a year of major elections around the world, Mexico’s on 2 June is among the most important. Its 128 million people will be choosing 500 deputies, 128 senators, and a new president to serve a six-year term, a post for which Claudia Sheinbaum and Xó
As she does with her academic work, Fernanda Canales roots her practice in a thorough knowledge of the environment, its resources, and its people, thanks to which she has made it possible for projects conceived in the spirit of mending inequality in
In trying to grasp the concept of national identity, Octavio Paz found that Mexico was not a reality delivered to the one contemplating it, but to whoever is able to immerse in it. This is perhaps well understood by Fernanda Canales (Mexico City, 197
Humboldt already pointed out the huge inequality that existed in Mexico, which reveals to what extent the problem plagues the history of the country. Many efforts have been made to rebalance the scale, but in the last six years a Federal Plan promote
El escritor Juan Villoro ha sido nombrado miembro honorario de la Academia Nacional de Arquitectura de México, un honor que compartió con el arqueólogo Eduardo Matos Moctezuma, descubridor del Templo Mayor. La laudatio correspondió a la arquitecta Fe
The Venice Architecture Biennale, perhaps the most important architectural celebration in the world, focuses this year on the consequences of construction. It tries to encompass buildings and destruction in equal measure, and also the needs of commun
Never in the history of Mexico had so many natural disasters happened in so few days. The month of September began with two terrible hurricanes, Irma and Katia, and ended with two devastating earthquakes; the first, on 7 September, occurred with a ma
Gone at 84 years of age, the Mexican architect devoted a lifetime to studying brick as both a structural material and an element of composition.
A major exhibition explains the evolution of modernity in Mexico through architecture, design, and magazines.
The architect, designer and public administrator Pedro Ramírez Vázquez, recently demised at age 94, was one of the authors of modern Mexico.
El equipo formado por Fernanda Canales, Alejandro Hernández y Arquitectura 911sc (Saidée Springall y José Castillo) ha resultado ganador del concurso convocado por la Universidad de Guadalajara para el conjunto de espacios escénicos del Centro Cultur
México, el país del mundo con más emigrantes, y Estados Unidos, el país con más inmigrantes, a pesar de compartir una frontera que cruzan diariamiente más de un millón de personas, carecían hasta ahora de una publicación capaz de exponer las condicio
Mario Pani construyó la modernidad en México. Sus grandes innovaciones urbanas y arquitectónicas de mediados del siglo XX —como Ciudad Universitaria, Tlatelolco y Ciudad Satélite— le valieron el título de último estratega que se sentó delante del tab
Juan O’Gorman inauguró la arquitectura moderna en México a la edad de 24 años, con la segunda construcción que realizó. La casa-estudio en Palmas 81, de 1929, considerada la primera obra funcionalista en América Latina, significó la creación de un nu
A medio camino entre manual, manifiesto y monografía, esta publicación sobre la obra de Lars Spuybroek y su estudio NOX en Rotterdam muestra el paso de la ficción a la realidad de la arquitectura pensada como burbujas, estructuras de goma y membranas
A excepción de la emblemática Ópera de Sidney, la obra de Utzon ha estado alejada durante décadas del reconocimiento merecido. Desde que Sigfried Giedion lo calificara como el último eslabón del Movimiento Moderno hasta el homenaje del Premio Pritzke
Aislada por su escarpada geografía y por su autonomía política, la región helvética ha producido siempre una arquitectura de genealogía inconfundible, que se hace accesible por medio de esta publicación donde se reúne el trabajo de doce estudios de l
Cada vez más, hablar de Graz es hablar de arquitectura. La ciudad, con apenas 250.000 habitantes, reúne cerca de 150 edificios realizados en los últimos veinte años que, por medio de esta guía, pueden recorrerse con un método similar al de un piloto
Cuarenta imágenes del fotógrafo holandés Bas Princen en torno a la esencia del paisaje contemporáneo abordan la manera no planeada en que se utilizan los espacios. Una montaña creada por la acumulación de residuos nucleares ahora utilizada para compe
El término ‘alfombra urbana’ utilizado por la arquitecta iraquí describe el flujo ininterrumpido entre el espacio urbano y el interior de su arquitectura. La calle que se extiende hasta el edificio convirtiéndose en muro o plataforma que, a su vez, s
La arquitectura de González de León consigue narrar buena parte de la historia mexicana de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Activo desde el proyecto de Ciudad Universitaria en 1946, sigue impactando en el tejido urbano con proyectos públicos y de gran
Election Year
Alejandro Hernández Gálvez Casa, ciudad, comunidad. Conversaciones en el Museo Amparo
Barcelona 2022
Actar Publishers - 200 Pages
Fernanda Canales Privacidad en un mundo compartido
Fernanda Canales Espacios privados
Fernanda Canales El derecho a la arquitectura
Alejandro Hernández Gálvez Fernanda Canales
Ciudad de México 2017
Arquine - 328 Pages
Fernanda Canales
Mexico City 2013
Fomento Cultural Banamex - 600 Pages