Madrid, Spain. Nowadays, the firm has offices in Madrid, Warsaw, City of México and Doha.
A 1,700-square-meter office block at Calle Amador de los Ríos 5 in Madrid, built in 1966 and owned by Primework Properties, has been renovated. The ground level, the basement, and the fourth floor have been partly restructured, with facades replaced
The British firm AL-A, led by Amanda Levete, has won the competition to build a concert hall in Ušće Park, along the stretch of the Danube River that flows through the Serbian capital. Its entry carried the day over those of the five other teams that
The project carried out by Carlos Lamela’s firm involved revamping seven of Madrid’s historical buildings, located at Alcalá 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14, at Plaza de Canalejas 1, and at Carrera de San Jerónimo 7. All had been in disuse for over a decade, si
The remodeling of the tower, built by Albert Donker in 1974, turns it into the tallest green building in Europe, reaching 113 meters. The project focuses on the modular curtain wall, with solar control glass and vertical steel strips... [+]
El proyecto se sitúa en el solar donde se encuentra actualmente el estadio del Rayo Vallecano. Consta de un zócalo que ocupa toda la parcela, y que alberga espacios comerciales en planta baja, terciario y cultural en primera y jardines públicos y zon
Se utilizan sistemas prefabricados y de montaje en seco. Los cuatro núcleos de comunicación soportan grandes vigas cajón de dos alturas, dispuestas del modo más óptimo para favorecer la ventilación cruzada y la proyección de sombras deseadas. Terraza
Sobre un zócalo de siete niveles que acoge una mezquita, un aparcamiento y diversos servicios, se alza una torre de 63 pisos que alberga apartamentos y, desde la planta 42, oficinas, lo que posibilita el uso de una piel más liviana en la parte superi
El proyecto se adapta a una topografía de terrazas escalonadas dedicadas al cultivo, extendiendo los campos de juego sobre las plataformas. El diseño trata de optimizar el consumo de energía usando materiales locales y reciclados, ventilación e ilumi
Aside from the construction of three new runways and an intricate network of public and private transportation, the enlargement of Barajas Airport – a commission won in a competition held in 1997 and initiated in the year 2000 – comprises three volum
El perfil ondulado de la nueva terminal ha pasado sin apenas cambios de los bocetos a la realidad gracias al trabajo del un equipo dirigido por Luis Vidal y Simon Smithson. Un esquema lineal y modular conduce a los pasajeros desde el aparcamiento o e
Since it opened to air traffic in 1933, the airport of Madrid-Barajas has undergone numerous enlargements and modifications. Its current battery of passenger terminals is working to capacity; thus the decision to build a new one separated from the re
Football is a modern religion with its liturgies, symbols, and preachers. Also temples. Among Spaniards, Santiago Bernabéu Stadium is almost a cathedral, if not by seniority or seating capacity then thanks to its history: sports-wise, having hosted t
The beauty of the twin high-rises at Madrid’s Plaza de Colón, a 1968 iconic work of the architect Antonio Lamela, lies less in their appearance than in the extraordinary hanging structure that the civil engineer Javier Manterola calculated, and which
Madrid Barajas Airport, Spain (2005). Richard Rogers achieved a rare thing in Madrid: creating an airport that doesn’t make you desperate to escape. From its gently undulating bamboo ceiling, to its forest of rainbow-coloured branching columns, to th
The Spanish-Dutch team formed by the practices Estudio Lamela and KAAN Architecten, in collaboration with the engineering firms Ineco and ABT, has won the competition for the commision to enlarge Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam, carrying the day over c
Aunque el concurso todavía no se ha fallado, se conocen ya las cuatro propuestas para la reforma del Estadio Santiago Bernabéu, proyectadas por arquitectos que, habida cuenta del encargo, no podían ser sino ‘galácticos’.
Inspirado en la arquitectura tradicional española, con planta en forma de U y organizado en torno a un patio central, el edificio del estudio Lamela para John Deere —primer fabricante mundial de maquinaria agrícola— en la localidad madrileña de Parla
Barajas Airport Extension The six finalists in the eleventh edition of this award given by the RIBA and AJ magazine to the “building of the year”, show the thriving state of British contemporary architecture. They included a brick house by Adam Carus
The current fast growth of the virtual universe is paradoxically accompanied by the hypertrophic proliferation of material facsimiles.