A pro bono facility gathers medical clinics, lounges, and recreational amenities around a curved courtyard conceived as yet another space intended for the benefit of elderly people. The building maintains a domestic scale through a single level that
Conceived as a village, this healthcare center in Dax – in France’s Landes department – is designed specifically for people afflicted with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The objective of the project is to improve the quality of life and the overal
This senior daycare is part of a complex of listed buildings of Morden College, which harbors a community of elderly people. Founded in 1695, Morden College is located in Blackheath Park, in Southeast London. Seeking to address the problem of lonelin
A fruit of a collaborative endeavor of the Brussels-based firms Studio Jan Vermeulen and Tom Thys Architecten, this assisted-living facility for dementia patients is located on the outskirts of the Belgian city of Kortrijk, in the province of West Fl
At Alí Bei 100-102 stands a building containing 49 apartments for senior citizens and 10 temporary accommodations for people in danger of social exclusion. Promoted by the Barcelona City Hall’s Institut de l’Habitage i Rehabilitació (IMHAB), it occup
Combining different functions and suggesting with its form the idea of a primitive hut or chapel, this small center for older people has been designed using innovative ergonomic strategies.
Using familiar materials and evoking the vernacular building types found in the area, the home constains a service center, a day care center, and 145 assisted-living apartments.
A large prefabricated volume built with larch wood contains 104 rooms distributed in eight independent communities that share gardens and atriums, and open up to a shared plaza.
Laid out with a sober modulation and inserted in a labyrinthine pattern evocative of a kasbah, the houses and main support building address the needs of elderly couples.
The conventional concept of home for the elderly is replaced here by that of a village protected from the harsh landscape of Castile by a wall of concrete blocks.
Distribuyéndose en tres cuerpos posados sobre un zócalo de usos mixtos, las viviendas organizan una parte de su programa en torno a un núcleo y abren el resto a una terraza.
In the senior community where my mom lives, death is a frequent visitor. When we talk about a recent loss, the story is often the same: her neighbor fell, and things got worse from there. Falls are the seventh-leading cause of death for adults aged 6
From adapted homes to collective residences through senior or assisted housing, there are many living models that give a dignified response to the special needs of people in the twilight of life.
We do not need senior housing only: we need cities for all ages. The population aging and hedonistic individualism of post-industrial society have fractured the links that guaranteed the cohesion of traditional structures through mutual help. ‘Parent