1917 (Artigas, Uruguay) - 2000 (Montevideo, Uruguay)
Between 1967 and 1968, the Uruguayan architect Eladio Dieste built a house for his large family (the couple and eleven children) in the Punta Gorda quarter of Montevideo, just a few meters from the Río de la Plata. He lived there until his death in 2
The church of Atlántida displays a special and rare character for the moment in which it was built: like the projects of the heroic Modern Move - ment, it is a project born from need. It is also the answer of an engineer experienced in the construc -
The World Heritage Committee today added 13 cultural sites to UNESCO’s World Heritage List. These additions were made during the extended 44th session of the World Heritage Committee, which is examining nominations from both 2020 and 2021. The inscri
In the work of Eladio Dieste, whose birth has been one hundred years, technical ingenuity was placed at the service of the social program and Catholic fervor.
«Descubrir lo insólito y lo desconocido en lo cotidiano»: así describe Juan María Songel el mensaje de Frei Otto, protagonista del precioso libro publicado por Gustavo Gili, en la serie Conversaciones, que reúne el artículo del autor «Fundamentos de
The houses of the masters are at once self-portrait and experiment. From the several residences and offices of Frank Lloyd Wright to the mythical, essential cabanon of Le Corbusier, the gods of the 20th-century have taken a human dimension in the hou
Las fronteras difusas han sido motivo de grandes conflictos a lo largo de la historia. La reestructuración del sistema educativo en las escuelas del siglo XVIII genera la escisión entre ingenieros y arquitectos, creando un clima de mutua desconfianza
(1917-2000) The history of structures in reinforced ceramic came to a halt on 19 July when Eladio Dieste, its principal driving force, expired in Montevideo at the age of 82. This industrial engineer, who discovered his passion for architecture throu
The deaths of Miralles and Oíza, which have coincided with those of the American Hejduk and Dieste, give a melancholy glow to the placidity of summer.
Oíza, Távora,Mendes da Rocha, Jiménez, Dieste Spain, Portugal and Latin America have the occasion to strengthen their ties through the Iber- American Architecture and Civil Engineering Biennial, whose first edition was celebrated in Madrid during th