The Archbishop Alfonso de Fonseca ordered the construction in 1525 of a hall of residence to accommodate the noble Irishmen that went to Salamanca to study. The building, at scarcely four hundred meters from the main square, was extended in 1558 with
Concebida como institución académica y de investigación, esta biblioteca ocupa un emplazamiento al mismo tiempo privilegiado y comprometido: en el casco histórico y cerrando los jardines de la plaza de la Merced, el edificio se inserta como un volume
Popular references are woven with others originating from classic funerary architecture in the extension of this necropolis in a small agricultural town of the Castilian plateau. An ordinary plaster wall surrounds the new graves, the order of which,
Guadarrama is a typical town of Madrid’s outlying mountain range of the same name, close to the border of the province of Segovia. Its splendid location and climate made it a traditional summer spot for affluent people, as well as an ideal place for
The Casa de las Conchas (House of Shells) is a building that dates back to the 15th century; its original masonry corresponding to a Gothic house with a trapezoidal courtyard and small doors and windows on the facade. In the course of history and for