150-Foot Vessel Sculpture at Hudson Yards Closes After 3rd Suicide

The Vessel, the spiraling staircase at Hudson Yards on Manhattan’s Far West Side, was closed to visitors on Tuesday, a day after a 21-year-old man jumped to his death in the third suicide in less than a year.
It was unclear when the 150-foot structure, the vast development’s centerpiece, would reopen to the public. A spokesman for Related Companies, the developer of Hudson Yards, said that the structure was “temporarily closed” and that the firm was consulting with suicide-prevention experts, including psychiatrists, about how to limit the potential for more suicides.
But the chairman of the local community board said in an interview on Tuesday that a Related Companies representative had called him shortly after the suicide on Monday and had said the Vessel would stay closed “until further notice.”...
The New York Times: 150-Foot Vessel Sculpture at Hudson Yards Closes After 3rd Suicide