Rafael Moneo. Cultural Landscapes

If the work of Rafael Moneo had to be tied to a single word, it would be ‘context.’ In both senses: attention to context as material capacity to intervene, with sensitivity, in different places and landscapes; and attention to context as spiritual capacity to echo, through architecture, the culture of every site. Since the early years of his career, when his readings of Aldo Rossi and Robert Venturi left a lasting mark, context has determined Moneo’s buildings, and even with the studio now having to operate in the arenas of globalization. This is clearly demonstrated in two projects presented in the following pages, each one linked to the concept of ‘cultural landscape’ and commented on, with his usual pedagogy, by the author himself: the Descendientes de J. Palacios winery in Corullón, in the Bierzo region, which brilliantly interprets the scenery and gives expression to that viticulture Moneo is a connoisseur of; and the building at Schinkelplatz, which through its geometry and materials resonates with an exceptional location, engaging in dialogue with the architectural and urban tradition of a city as culturally vibrant as Berlin.