130 Social Dwellings, Mieres
The Architecture Award of the XI Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism has gone to the 131 social dwellings in Mieres (Asturias) by Zigzag, the studio of David Casino and Bernardo Angelini (see AV Monographs 147-148). Another two projects have received mentions: the Caramoniña housing complex in Santiago de Compostela, by Víctor López Cotelo, and the house in Paderne by Carlos Quintáns. The jury has also commended three museums: the Álava Archaeological Museum in Vitoria, by Francisco Mangado; Can Framis in Barcelona, by Jordi Badia; and the Water Museum in Lanjarón, by Juan Domingo Santos. The Montmeló Master Plan by Jornet, Llop and Pastor has won the prize in the Urbanism category. The Research Prize has gone ex aequo to the Media-TIC building in Barcelona, by Enric Ruiz-Geli, and to the Territorial Housing Plan of Catalonia, directed by Josep Vilanova and Ricard Pie. The housing in El Rastro (Madrid), by Mónica Alberola, Luis Díaz-Mauriño and Consuelo Martorell, earned a mention in the Social Housing category, and the Rowing Center in Alange, by José María Sánchez, was awarded in the Young Project category.