Paseo Marítimo de Benidorm
The CSCAE (Spanish Association of Architecture Institutes) has presented the Spanish Architecture Award 2011 to the Benidorm Waterfront (Alicante), by architects Carlos Ferrater and Xavier Martí (see AV Monographs 141-142). The CSCAE prize, bestowed every two years, distinguishes new projects and refurbishments carried out in Spain by Spanish or foreign architects. Out of the 114 works presented to the prize, the jury has praised the waterfront for being “a new interpretation of public space, especially the complex encounter between city and sea, between the artificial and the natural, through a deliberate formalization full of references and allusions”. The jury of the CSCAE has also given four mentions: to the Caramoniña housing complex in Santiago de Compostela, by Víctor López Cotelo; to the Madinat al-Zahra Museum and Institutional Headquarters in Córdoba, by Fuensanta Nieto and Enrique Sobejano; to the extension and refurbishment of the Contemporary Museum of Alicante, by Juan Carlos Sancho and Sol Madridejos; and to the Álava Archaeological Museum, by Francisco Mangado.