Tejas Verea announces its first round of awards – organized in collaboration with the Galicia Institute of Architects –to distinguish efficient and sustainable roof solutions carried out with ceramic tiles produced by the firm.
The competition is open to architecture practices in Spain and abroad, and will accept new-builds for public or private use as well as renovations or refurbishments in urban public spaces, provided they were completed between January 2018 and December 2020. The judges will positively consider works that have used the Verea System, an officially approved solution for protecting roofs in extreme conditions that can be adapted to any kind of support and reduces installation and maintenance costs.
Two awards will be given, one for New Build and the other for Renovation, each coming with a prize of 3,000 euros.
Interested parties have up to 17 September 2021 (before midnight) to register and submit the documents required. The website www.tejasverea.com includes a section providing more information on the awards.