A master of contemporary architecture, Alberto Campo Baeza received Spain’s National Architecture Award, given by the Ministry of Public Works with a prize of 60,000 euros. With this the jury composed of Álvaro Siza, Manuel Gallego, Estrella de Diego, Elisa Valero, Carme Pigem, Inmaculada Maluenda, and Lucía Cano – along with the general director and deputy director of Agenda Urbana y Arquitectura – acknowledged the work of the architect born in Valladolid in 1946, Professor of Architectural Design at the Madrid School of Architecture, numerary member of the San Fernando Royal Academy of Fine Arts, and holder of the medal of the Spanish Association of Architecture Institutes as well as of the Heinrich Tessenow, among other honors. Existing since 1932, the National Architecture Award has gone to figures as important for the field in Spain as Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oíza (1946 and 1954), Alejandro de la Sota (1974), José Antonio Corrales & Ramón Vázquez Molezún (1948 and 2001), Miguel Fisac (2002), Juan Navarro Baldeweg (2014), Manuel Gallego Jorreto (1997 and 2008), and Rafael Moneo (1961 and 2015).