AV Proyectos 123: Nuevos manierismos

European Approaches After the Crisis

AV Proyectos 123: Nuevos manierismos

European Approaches After the Crisis


In line with The Mannerist Mind, the essay by Francisco González de Canales, AV Proyectos 123 publishes the innovative proposals of six European studios that emerged in the post-crisis context, and which apply traditional solutions with a contemporary approach. Anna Puigjaner sits down for an interview with this magazine about these ‘new mannerisms’, and to discuss how MAIO, the office she directs with María Charneco, Alfredo Lérida and Guillermo López, shies away from classifications to defend a political practice, more sustainable and inclusive. The issue continues with the conversion of an old warehouse in Rotterdam into the new FENIX Museum, carried out by MAD Architects. In the cultural section, Luis Fernández-Galiano reviews the latest book by Michelangelo Sabatino, The Edith Farnsworth House, an analysis of the history of the Miesian house narrated from the perspective of Dr. Edith Farnsworth. The last pages are dedicated to the photographs of Boris Savelev, winner of the PhotoESPAÑA 2024 award, and to the biographic documentary film by Wim Wenders on the German artist Anselm Kiefer.

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