
Boris Savelev, PhotoEspaña Award 2024

Sovietic Realism


Boris Savelev, PhotoEspaña Award 2024

Sovietic Realism


The photographer Boris Savelev (Chernivtsi, 1947) has always had a independent eye, and throughout almost six decades of career he has shaped a characteristic pictorial language, marked by strong color contrasts and particular shades of red. His images reflected a social reality of the Soviet Union that is far from the official account, and he has documented street life in cities like Moscow, London, and Madrid. Savelev defines his work as an intuitive process, in which he does not plan the focus or frame and only tries to capture “what he feels.” His unique and varied work is on view now at Serrería Belga Cultural Space in Madrid, in a retrospective exhibition that coincides with the PHotoESPAÑA prize to his career.

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