Tuchkov Buyan Park, Herzog & de Meuron + JV Vogt
Second Prize

Tuchkov Buyan Park, Herzog & de Meuron + JV Vogt

Second Prize

Several historic maps were overlapped to reveal the gradual changes of the site’s identity and geometry. The new park retraces the former shoreline of the Neva River, reorganizes urban flows, integrates into the city, and connects green public spaces.

The project defines three layers of landscape: the Valley reinterprets the city’s original ecosystems and links the park to its context; the Woodland defines the site’s urban edge and creates a buffer; and the Upper Plateau covers subterranean spaces with open lawns...

Herzog & de Meuron + JV Vogt

Socios Partners
Jacques Herzog, Pierre de Meuron, Olga Bolshanina (Socio a cargo Partner in charge)

Equipo de proyecto Project team
Ilia Moiseev (Director de proyecto Project Manager), Ekaterina Nuzhdina, Mickael Pelloquin, Victor Stolbovoy

Consultores de diseño Design consultants
Herzog & de Meuron Basel, Vogt Landschaftsarchitekten

Sostenibilidad, tráfico, estructuras, ingeniería civil Sustainability, traffic, structure, civil engineering