Tour Montparnasse Redesign Competition, Studio Gang

Tour Montparnasse Redesign Competition, Studio Gang


At the base of the tower, the preexisting square is decomposed into a topography of gardens
and pedestrian spaces. At its top, a glass pavilion supported by a steel corolla structure offers
360-degree views of Paris and houses a théâtre de verdure... [+]

Autor Author

Studio Gang

Cliente Client

 L’Ensemble Immobilier Tour Maine-Montparnasse

Arquitecto ejecutivo y de diseño Executive and design architect

Studio Gang

Arquitecto local Local architect

Chabanne et Partenaires


Terrell Group (fachadas y estructuras structure and facade); Hugh Dutton Associés (fachadas facades); Thornton Tomasetti (estructuras structure); Peter Heppel Associates (eólica wind); Rowan Williams Davies and Irwin (túnel de viento wind tunnel); Elithis (ingeniería de instalaciones, consultoría de sostenibilidad MEP engineer, sustainability consultant)  

Estimación de costes Cost estimating

Vincent Pourtau Economie et Associés  

Diseño de iluminación Lighting designer

Licht Kunst Licht AG

Paisajismo Landscape

Office of Landscape Morphology

Protección contra incendios Fire Protection

Casso et Associés

Consultor de amianto Asbestos consultant


Consultor de acústica Acoustic consultant

Cabinet Lamoureux

Consultor de ascensores Elevator consultant

MovvéO Limited

Revisión por homólogos de fachadas y sostenibilidad Facade and sustainability peer review
