Hotel Populus in Denver
Studio Gang- Type Hotel
- Date 2024
- City Denver (Colorado)
- Country United States
- Photographer Jason O'Rear Steve Hall

The firm headed by Jeanne Gang has completed a 265-room hotel building in downtown Denver. Located at a prominent corner and rising 48 meters, it is inspired by the growth Aspen trees (Populus tremuloides). The geometry of the windows evokes the dark eye-shaped marks that remain on the bark of those trees as their lower branches come loose. The windows vary in size and shape, in accordance with the spaces within. At the base, the windows rise to 9 meters to frame the entrances.
The cladding of fiberglass-reinforced concrete panels is acid-washed to bring out the material’s aggregate. The concrete structure incorporates fly ash to minimize the need for cement, lowering the amount of carbon emitted during construction. Each window is detailed to perform efficiently in Denver’s climate. The exterior ‘lids’ stretch outward to shade interior spaces and channel rainwater. Inside, much of the structure is exposed, reducing the use of finishes. Where used, finishes target a high recycled content.