The Catalan firm led by Anna Bach and Eugeni Bach was commissioned to design a stand for the EINA University School of Design and Art in the 31st Saló de l’Ensenyament – which promotes vocational training centers and services – at Fira de Barcelona. The 45-square-meter structure celebrates the institution’s 50th anniversary by referring to design teachings typical of the initial years of the EINA curriculum: control of space through simple geometries, the carpet as dominant cladding material, lamps detached from the perimeter, and pop colors. In this way, the project for EINA works as a spatial parenthesis within the event, where noise is mitigated by the materials and low-glare lighting creates an intimate atmosphere. The stand surrounds an existing pillar of the large hall it is located in, and uses it in enclosing the space.

Fotos: Eugeni Bach