Can Peguera Service Strip, Barcelona (Spain)
Anna & Eugeni Bach 

Can Peguera Service Strip, Barcelona (Spain)

Anna & Eugeni Bach 

To span the unevenness between the different platforms that organize the district of Can Peguera, the project suggests a series of new accesses via ramps, stairs, and elevators which, in addition to solving the connections, add character to the public spaces...

The project is organized around four principles: the order of intervention must be determined by neighborhood priorities, differentiating major urban actions from minor ones, preserving the existing buildings, and increasing the green areas...[+]

Bach arquitectes / Anna & Eugeni Bach

BIMSA / Ajuntament de Barcelona

Eugeni Bach, Roger Molas (dirección project management); IGC Bcn / Javier Solís, David Jiménez (dirección de obra work management); Arnó (constructor constructor); Roger Molas, Silvia Ripoll, Clara Sanfeliu, Mario Sousa (arquitectos architects) 

Consultores Consultants
Masala consultors (estructura structure); PGI engineering (instalaciones installations); Pere Peix (aparejador quantity surveyor)