Masaryk Landscape, Mexico City

Masaryk Landscape, Mexico City


The project rotates the mesh that organizes the place to improve the orientation of the apartments and create terraces that open out to the street. The concrete structure will be painted in two tones of green to differentiate its constituent elements...[+]

Obra Work
Masaryk Landscape, Polanco, Mexico City (Mexico)

Socios Partners
Catia Bilbao, Juan Pablo Benlliure, Alba Cortés, Mariano Castillo

Director de Proyecto Project director
Alba Cortés

Project manager
Mariana Martins

Líder del taller Workshop leader
Isaac Monterrosa

Equipo de diseño Design team
Dany Oria, Tonatiuh Armenta, Elena Mayer

Equipo de modelado Model Team
Isaac Monterrosa, Victor Castañeda, Paulo Rodriguez, Julio Montesino